The National Gallery of the Spoken Word (NGSW)


[Project Coordinator] Rehberger, Dean

The National Gallery of the Spoken Word (NGSW) will create a significant, fully searchable, online database of spoken word collections that span the 20th century -- the first large-scale repository of its kind. NGSW will provide storage for these digital holdings and public exhibit space" for the most evocative collections. From Thomas Edison's first cylinder recordings, to the voices of Babe Ruth and Florence Nightingale, and Studs Terkel's timeless interviews, the collections of the NGSW will cover a variety of interests and topics. The NGSW is designed as an expansive repository of aural resources. Over time, it will grow to include many more collections from partnering institutions around the country."
Veröffentlicht durch
Technische Bereitstellung

National Gallery of the Spoken Word (NGSW) - Michigan State University: East Lansing, US (MI) <>



United States

Veröffentlicht am
Thomas Meyer
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